2. Administraziun extraordinaria
1 Cun excepziun da l’administraziun ordinaria pon ils consorts obligar la cuminanza e disponer dals bains cuminaivels mo cuminaivlamain u l’in mo cun il consentiment da l’auter.
2 Terzas persunas dastgan premetter quest consentiment, uschenavant ch’ellas na san betg u na duain betg savair ch’el manca.
3 Las disposiziuns davart la represchentanza da la cuminanza conjugala restan resalvadas.
2. Extraordinary housekeeping
1 Outside the limits of everyday housekeeping, the spouses may incur commitments on behalf of the common property and dispose thereof only jointly or indivaidually with the other’s consent.
2 Third parties are entitled to presume such consent provided they do not know or cannot be expected to know that it is absent.
3 The provisions governing representation of the marital union are reserved.