II. Bains cuminaivels
1. Cuminanza generala
1 La cuminanza dals bains generala reunescha la facultad e las entradas dals consorts ad ina suletta facultad, cun excepziun dals objects che appartegnan tenor la lescha als bains propris.
2 Ils bains cuminaivels appartegnan nundivaididamain a tuts dus consorts.
3 Nagin dals consorts na po disponer da sia part dals bains cuminaivels.
II. Common property
1. General community of property
1 The general community of property combines the assets and income of the spouses into common property, with the exception of those assets which by law constitute indivaidual property.
2 The common property belongs to both spouses jointly.
3 Neither spouse is entitled to dispose of his or her share of the common property.