V. Lieu d’origin e domicil
1. Lieu d’origin
1 Il dretg da burgais determinescha il lieu d’origin d’ina persuna.
2 Il dretg public determinescha il dretg da burgais.
3 Sch’ina persuna ha il dretg da burgais en plirs lieus, è ses lieu d’origin il lieu, nua ch’ella ha actualmain ses domicil u nua ch’ella ha gì ses ultim domicil; manca in tal domicil è quai il lieu, nua ch’ella u ses perdavants han acquistà lur ultim dretg da burgais.
V. Place of origin and domicile
1. Origin
1 The place of origin of a person is determined by his or her citizenship.
2 Citizenship is governed by public law.
3 If a person is a citizen of more than one place, his or her place of origin is the one in which he or she is or was most recently resident or, in the absence of any such residence, the one in which he or she or his or her ancestors last acquired citizenship.