Index Fichier unique

Art. 217 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / V. Participaziun a l’avanzament / 2. Tenor contract / b. En cas da divaorzi, da separaziun, d’ina decleraziun da nunvalaivladad da la lètg u d’ina separaziun giudiziala dals bains
Art. 219 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / VI. Pajament da la pretensiun da participaziun e da la part da la plivalur / 2. Abitaziun e rauba da chasa

Art. 218 E. Schliaziun da l’urden dals bains e liquidaziun / VI. Pajament da la pretensiun da participaziun e da la part da la plivalur / 1. Suspensiun dal pajament

VI. Pajament da la pretensiun da participaziun e da la part da la plivalur

1. Suspensiun dal pajament

1 Sch’il consort debitur vegn en grondas difficultads da stuair pajar immediatamain la pretensiun da participaziun e da la part da la plivalur, po el pretender ch’i al vegnian concedids termins da pajament.

2 Las pretensiuns da participaziun e la part da la plivalur ston vegnir tschainsidas a partir da la finiziun da la liquidaziun, nun che las partidas fixeschan insatge auter, ed ellas ston esser garantidas, sche las circumstanzas giustifitgeschan quai.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 217 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / V. Participation in the surplus / 2. By agreement / b. On divaorce, separation, annulment of the marriage or separation of property by court order
Art. 219 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / VI. Payment of the participation claim and the share of the increased value / 2. Home and household effects

Art. 218 E. Dissolution of the property regime and liquidation / VI. Payment of the participation claim and the share of the increased value / 1. Deferred payment

VI. Payment of the participation claim and the share of the increased value

1. Deferred payment

1 If immediate payment of the participation claim and the share of the increased value would cause serious difficulties for the debtor, he or she may request a deferral.

2 Unless otherwise agreed by the spouses, the participation claim and the share of the increased value bear interest as of completion of the divaision of property and, where justified in the circumstances, security must be furnished. (2009-2021) - A propos
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