2. Valur da rendita
a. En general
1 In manaschi agricul ch’in consort administrescha persunalmain vinavant sco proprietari u per il qual il consort survivent u in descendent pretenda motivadamain ch’el vegnia attribuì dal tuttafatg ad el, sto vegnir taxà per la valur da rendita tar la calculaziun da la part da la plivalur e da la pretensiun da participaziun.
2 Il proprietari dal manaschi agricul u ses ertavels pon far valair envers l’auter consort sco part da la plivalur u sco pretensiun da participaziun mo l’import ch’els han survegnì, cur ch’il manaschi agricul è vegnì mess a quint per la valur commerziala.
3 Las disposiziuns dal dretg d’ierta davart la valitaziun e davart la part dals cunertavels vi dal gudogn valan tenor il senn.
2. Capitalised value
a. In general
1 An agricultural enterprise which one spouse continues to operate as owner or in respect of which the surviving spouse or one of the issue makes a justified claim for undivaided allocation is stated at its capitalised value when calculating the proportionate added value and the claim for participation.
2 The owner of the agricultural enterprise or his or her heirs may bring a claim against the other spouse for proportionate added value or participation only in the amount they would receive if the business were stated at its market value.
3 The inheritance law provisions governing valuation and the participation of co-heirs in the profit apply mutatis mutandis.