2. Participation in increased value
1 Where a spouse has contributed to the acquisition, improvement or preservation of an asset belonging to the other without receiving equivalent compensation, and where at the time of the liquidation that asset has increased in value, then his or her claim corresponds to his or her proportionate contribution and is calculated according to the current value of the asset; if, conversely, the asset has decreased in value, his or her claim corresponds to the original contribution.
2 If such an asset had already been alienated beforehand, the claim is calculated according to the proceeds obtained and is due immediately.
3 By written agreement, spouses may exclude participation in the increased value or vary the proportion thereof.
2. Part da la plivalur dal consort
1 Sch’in consort ha gidà ad acquistar, a meglierar u a mantegnair objects da facultad da l’auter senza cuntraprestaziun correspundenta e sch’igl exista ina plivalur il mument da la liquidaziun, correspunda sia pretensiun a la part da sia contribuziun ed ella vegn calculada tenor la valur actuala dals objects da facultad; sch’i resulta percunter ina valur reducida, correspunda la pretensiun a la contribuziun prestada.
2 Sch’in da quests objects da facultad è vegnì vendì avant, vegn la pretensiun calculada tenor il retgav ch’è vegnì cuntanschì tar la vendita ed ella sto vegnir pajada immediatamain.
3 Cun ina cunvegna en scrit pon ils consorts excluder u midar la part da la plivalur.