II. Prender enavos valurs da facultad e regulaziun dals debits
1. En general
1 Mintga consort prenda enavos sias valurs da facultad che sa chattan en possess da l’auter consort.
2 Sch’ina valur da facultad sa chatta en cumproprietad e sch’in consort cumprova in interess predominant, po el pretender ultra da las autras mesiras legalas, che questa valur da facultad vegnia attribuida cumplainamain ad el cunter indemnisaziun da l’auter consort.
3 Ils consorts reglan lur debits vicendaivels.
II. Taking back property and settling debts
1. In general
1 Each spouse shall take back any of his or her property that is in the other’s possession.
2 Where one spouse shows an overriding interest in gaining sole possession of an object or asset in co-ownership, and notwithstanding any other legal measures available, he or she may request that said object or asset be allocated to him or her in return for compensation.
3 The spouses settle their debts to each other.