Index Fichier unique

Art. 190 C. Extraordinary property regime / II. In the event of bankruptcy or distraint / 2. Distraint / b. Request
Art. 192 C. Extraordinary property regime / III. Liquidation of the previous marital property regime

Art. 191 C. Extraordinary property regime / II. In the event of bankruptcy or distraint / 3. Revocation

3. Revocation

1 If the creditors have been satisfied, at the request of one spouse the court may order the restoration of the community of property regime.

2 By marital agreement, the spouses may opt for the participation in acquired property regime.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 190 C. Urden extraordinari dals bains / II. En cas da concurs e d’impegnaziun / 2. Impegnaziun / b. Dumonda
Art. 192 C. Urden extraordinari dals bains / III. Liquidaziun dals bains matrimonials

Art. 191 C. Urden extraordinari dals bains / II. En cas da concurs e d’impegnaziun / 3. Aboliziun

3. Aboliziun

1 Sch’ils crediturs èn cuntentads, po il derschader ordinar – sin dumonda d’in consort – che l’anteriur stadi dals bains vegnia restabilì.

2 Cun in contract matrimonial pon ils consorts fixar la participaziun als acquists. (2009-2021) - A propos
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