Index Fichier unique

Art. 1861C. Extraordinary property regime / I. At the request of one spouse / 2. ...
Art. 188 C. Extraordinary property regime / II. In the event of bankruptcy or distraint / 1. Bankruptcy

Art. 187 C. Extraordinary property regime / I. At the request of one spouse / 3. Revocation

3. Revocation

1 The spouses may at any time reinstate their previous marital property regime or implement a new one by marital agreement.

2 If the reason for the separation of property no longer exists, at the request of one spouse the court may direct that the previous marital property regime be reinstated.

Index Fichier unique

Art. 1861C. Urden extraordinari dals bains / I. Sin dumonda d’in consort / 2. ...
Art. 188 C. Urden extraordinari dals bains / II. En cas da concurs e d’impegnaziun / 1. Concurs

Art. 187 C. Urden extraordinari dals bains / I. Sin dumonda d’in consort / 3. Aboliziun

3. Aboliziun

1 Cun in contract matrimonial pon ils consorts decider da tut temp da reprender l’anteriur urden dals bains u da fixar in auter.

2 Sch’il motiv per la separaziun dals bains è crudà davent, po il derschader ordinar – sin dumonda d’in consort – che l’anteriur urden dals bains vegnia restabilì. (2009-2021) - A propos
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