C. Extraordinary property regime
I. At the request of one spouse
1. By court order
1 At the request of one spouse, the court shall order a separation of property where there is good cause to do so.
2 In particular, good cause exists:
3 Where a spouse permanently lacks capacity of judgement, his or her legal representative may likewise request separation of property for this reason.
C. Urden extraordinari dals bains
I. Sin dumonda d’in consort
1. Ordinaziun
1 La separaziun dals bains vegn ordinada dal derschader sin dumonda d’in consort, sch’in motiv relevant è avant maun.
2 In motiv relevant è avant maun en spezial:
3 Sch’in consort n’è permanentamain betg abel da giuditgar, po ses represchentant legal pretender er per quest motiv d’ordinar la separaziun dals bains.