b. Revocation of powers of representation
1 If a spouse exceeds his or her power to represent the marital union or proves incapable of exercising it, at the other spouse’s request the court may revoke such power in whole or in part.
2 The spouse making such request may inform third parties of the revocation only by communications in person.
3 The revocation is effective towards third parties acting in good faith only if it has been made public by order of the court.
b. Retratga da l’autorisaziun da represchentanza
1 Sch’in consort surpassa sia autorisaziun per la represchentanza da la cuminanza conjugala u sch’el sa mussa dad esser inabel da l’exequir, po il derschader – sin dumonda da l’auter consort – retrair ad el dal tuttafatg u per part l’autorisaziun da represchentanza.
2 Il consort che fa la dumonda dastga communitgar la retratga a terzas persunas mo cun in avis persunal.
3 Vers terzas persunas da buna fai vala la retratga mo, sche quella è vegnida publitgada sin ordinaziun dal derschader.