2. Durant la vita cuminaivla
a. Prestaziuns en daners
1 Sin dumonda d’in consort fixescha il derschader las prestaziuns en daners per il mantegniment da la famiglia.
2 Medemamain sin dumonda d’in consort fixescha el l’import per quel consort che fa il tegnairchasa, che tgira ils uffants ubain che gida l’auter en la professiun u en l’interpresa.
3 Questas contribuziuns pon vegnir pretendidas per il futur e per l’onn avant l’inoltraziun da la dumonda.
2. While living together
a. Financial contributions
1 At the request of one spouse, the court determines the amounts to be paid for the maintenance of the family.
2 Likewise, at the request of one spouse, it determines the allowance payable to the spouse who looks after the household, cares for the children or supports the other’s career or business.
3 Payments may be claimed for the future and for one year preceding the request.