F. Represchentanza da la cuminanza conjugala
1 Durant la vita cuminaivla represchenta mintga consort la cuminanza conjugala per ils basegns currents da la famiglia.
2 Per ils auters basegns da la famiglia po in consort represchentar la cuminanza conjugala mo:
3 Mintga consort s’oblighescha persunalmain tras ses acts ed el oblighescha solidaricamain er l’auter consort, uschenavant che ses acts na surpassan betg l’autorisaziun da represchentanza en moda vesaivla per terzas persunas.
F. Representation of the marital union
1 While living together under the same roof, both spouses represent the marital union with regard to the day-to-day needs of the family.
2 A spouse may represent the marital union with regard to the other needs of the family only if:
3 Each spouse is personally liable for his or her own actions and, to the extent that these do not exceed his or her powers of representation in a manner apparent to third parties, also renders the other spouse jointly and severally liable for such actions.