A. Divorzi sin dumonda cuminaivla
I. Cunvegna cumpletta
1 Sch’ils consorts dumondan cuminaivlamain il divaorzi e sch’els inoltreschan ina cunvegna cumpletta davart las consequenzas dal divaorzi, inclusiv ils mussaments necessaris e lur propostas cuminaivlas concernent ils uffants, als taidla il derschader separadamain ed ensemen. L’audiziun po cumpigliar pliras sesidas.
2 Sch’il derschader è sa persvadì ch’els hajan inoltrà la dumonda da divaorzi e fatg ina cunvegna da libra voluntad e suenter madira reflexiun e che la cunvegna cun lur propostas concernent ils uffants possia vegnir approvada, pronunzia il derschader il divaorzi.
1 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 25 da sett. 2009 (temp da reflexiun en la procedura da divaorzi sin dumonda cuminaivla), en vigur dapi il 1. da favr. 2010 (AS 2010 281; BBl 2008 1959 1975).
A. Divorce by joint request
I. Comprehensive agreement
1 Where the spouses jointly request divaorce and submit a comprehensive agreement on the consequences of the divaorce along with any necessary documents and with joint applications in respect of the children, the court shall hear the spouses both separately and together. The hearing may comprise two or more sessions.
2 If the court is persuaded that desire for divaorce and the agreement are the product of free will and careful reflection and that the agreement with the applications in respect of the children may be approved, the court shall issue the divaorce decree.
1 Amended by No I of the FA of 25 Sept. 2009 (Reflection Period in Divorce Proceedings by joint Application), in force since 1 Feb. 2010 (AS 2010 281; BBl 2008 1959 1975).