121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 31 Procedura en cas urgents

1 Sch’il cas è urgent, po il schef dal SIC ordinar che las mesiras da procuraziun suttamessas ad in’autorisaziun vegnian applitgadas immediatamain. El orientescha immediatamain il Tribunal administrativ federal ed il schef dal DDPS. Quel po terminar immediatamain la mesiras da procuraziun.

2 Il directur dal SIC suttametta la dumonda entaifer 24 uras al president da la partiziun cumpetenta dal Tribunal administrativ federal e motivescha l’urgenza.

3 Il president da la partiziun cumpetenta dal Tribunal administrativ federal communitgescha sia decisiun entaifer 3 dis da lavur al SIC.

4 Sche la mesira da procuraziun è approvada, decida il schef dal DDPS, suenter avair consultà ordavant il schef dal DFAE ed il schef dal DFGP, davart la dumonda, sche la mesira duai vegnir dada liber per la cuntinuaziun.

Art. 31 Procedure in cases of urgency

1 In cases of urgency, the Director of the FIS may order the immediate use of information gathering measures requiring authorisation. He or she shall immediately inform the Federal Administrative Court and the Head of the DDPS. Either may terminate the information gathering measure with immediate effect.

2 The Director of the FIS shall file the application within 24 hours with the president of the competent division of the Federal Administrative Court and shall give reasons for the urgency.

3 The president of the competent division of the Federal Administrative Court shall notify the FIS of his or her decision within three working days.

4 If the information gathering measure has been authorised, the Head of the DDPS, after consulting the Head of the FDFA and the Head of the FDJP, shall decide on clearance for the measure to be continued.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.