1 Pour les placements collectifs ouverts au sens du titre 2 LPCC27, la direction de fonds (art. 32 LEFin28) et la société d’investissement à capital variable (SICAV) (art. 13, al. 2, let. b, LPCC) établissent un prospectus.
2 Le prospectus est assorti du règlement du fonds si l’adresse où les personnes intéressées peuvent se procurer ce dernier avant la conclusion du contrat ou avant la souscription ne leur est pas communiquée.
3 Le Conseil fédéral détermine les indications qui doivent figurer dans le prospectus, en sus du règlement du fonds.
4 Le prospectus et ses modifications doivent être soumis immédiatement à la FINMA.
1 For open-ended collective investment schemes as defined in Title 2 of the CISA29, the fund management company (Article 32 FinIA30) and the investment company with variable capital (SICAV) (Article 13 paragraph 2 letter b CISA) shall produce a prospectus.
2 The prospectus shall include the fund regulations in cases where interested persons are not notified as to where such regulations may be separately obtained prior to an agreement being concluded or prior to subscription.
3 The Federal Council shall determine which information must be set out in the prospectus apart from the fund regulations.
4 The prospectus and its amendments shall be submitted to FINMA without delay.
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.