1 Il guaud sto vegnir cultivà uschia, ch’el po ademplir permanentamain ed illimitadamain sias funcziuns (persistenza).
2 Ils chantuns decreteschan prescripziuns da planisaziun e da cultivaziun; quai fan els tegnend quint da las necessitads dal provediment cun laina, da la selvicultura natirala sco er da la protecziun da la natira e da la patria.
3 Sch’il stadi dal guaud e la conservaziun dal guaud permettan quai, poi vegnir desistì dal tuttafatg u per part da tgirar e d’utilisar il guaud, en spezial per motivs da l’ecologia e da la cuntrada.
4 Per mantegnair la diversitad da las spezias da la fauna e da la flora pon ils chantuns determinar surfatschas commensuradas sco reservats da guaud.
5 Nua che la funcziun da protecziun pretenda quai, garanteschan ils chantuns ina tgira minimala.
1 The forest shall be managed in such a way that it can fulfil its functions without interruption or restriction (sustainability).
2 The cantons shall enact planning and management regulations; in doing this, they shall take into account the requirements of wood supply, near-natural silviculture and the protection of nature and cultural heritage.
3 Should the state of the forest and forest conservation allow it, the maintenance and use of the forest may be dispensed with entirely or in part for ecological and landscape reasons.
4 The cantons may delimit suitable areas as forest reserves for the conservation of the species diversity of flora and fauna.
5 Where required by the protective function of the forest, the cantons ensure a minimum level of maintenance.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.