702 Lescha federala dals 20 da mars 2015 davart las abitaziuns secundaras (Lescha davart las abitaziuns secundaras, LAS)

702 Federal Act of 20 March 2015 on Second Homes (Second Homes Act, SHA)

Art. 8 Abitaziuns en connex cun interpresas d’alloschament organisadas

1 En vischnancas che han ina quota d’abitaziuns secundaras da sur 20 pertschient dastga la construcziun d’abitaziuns senza restricziun d’utilisaziun tenor l’artitgel 7 alinea 1 vegnir permessa ad interpresas d’alloschament organisadas, sche:

il manaschi po vegnir manà u po vegnir manà vinavant en moda rentabla mo cun il retgav da la construcziun da talas abitaziuns;
il proprietari u il gestiunari cumprova sin dumonda ch’il retgav da las abitaziuns vegn investì en la construcziun u en la gestiun da l’alloschament organisà;
la surfatscha utilisada principala da questas abitaziuns na surpassa betg ina quota da 20 pertschient da la surfatscha utilisada principala da tut las stanzas e da tut las abitaziuns;
las abitaziuns furman in’unitad architectonica e funcziunala cun l’interpresa d’alloschament organisada, nun che motivs da la protecziun dal maletg dal lieu e da la protecziun da monuments s’opponian a quai; e
nagins interess predominants na s’opponan a quai.

2 Per abitaziuns tenor l’alinea 1 che restan duraivlamain en la proprietad da l’interpresa d’alloschament organisada e che vegnan dadas en locaziun da tala dastga la surfatscha utilisada principala tenor l’alinea 1 litera c importar maximalmain 33 pertschient. En il register funsil sto vegnir menziunada ina restricziun respectiva dal dretg d’alienar. L’artitgel 7 alineas 4 e 5 vala tenor il senn.

3 Sche l’interpresa construescha tant abitaziuns tenor l’alinea 1 sco er abitaziuns tenor l’alinea 2, vegn la quota maximala da 33 pertschient reducida per la valur che resulta, cur ch’il quozient da la surfatscha da las abitaziuns tenor l’alinea 1 e da la summa da las surfatschas da las abitaziuns tenor ils alineas 1 e 2 vegn multiplitgà cun 13 pertschient.

4 D’ina interpresa d’alloschament organisada ch’existiva gia ils 11 da mars 2012 pon maximalmain 50 pertschient da la surfatscha utilisada principala vegnir transfurmads en abitaziuns senza restricziun d’utilisaziun tenor l’artitgel 7 alinea 1, sche:

ella po cumprovar che la gestiun è vegnida fatga almain dapi 25 onns;
ella na po betg pli vegnir manada vinavant en moda rentabla e na po er betg vegnir transfurmada en abitaziuns explotadas turisticamain;
il fatg che l’interpresa d’alloschament respectiva na po betg pli vegnir manada vinavant en moda rentabla n’è betg vegnì chaschunà d’in fauss cumportament dal proprietari u dal gestiunari; e
nagins interess predominants na s’opponan a quai.

5 Per cumprovar che las premissas tenor l’alinea 1 u 4 èn ademplidas, sto vegnir laschada far in’expertisa independenta. Il Cussegl federal regla ils detagls.

Art. 8 Homes used in connection with organised accommodation facilities

1 In communes where the proportion of second homes does not exceed 20 per cent, organised accommodation facilities may be authorised to construct homes without restrictions on use in accordance with Article 7 paragraph 1 if:

the complex can only be run or continue to be run profitably with the income from the construction of such homes;
the owner or the operator on request provides proof that the income from the homes will be invested in constructing or running the organised accommodation;
the main usable area of these homes does not exceed 20 per cent of the entire main usable area of the rooms and homes;
the homes and the organised accommodation complex form a structural and functional unit, unless the regulations on preserving the appearance of the locality or cultural heritage management require otherwise; and
there are no other overriding interests to the contrary.

2 For homes in accordance with paragraph 1 that permanently remain the property of the organised accommodation complex and are rented out by the same, the total main usable area in accordance with paragraph 1 letter c may amount to a maximum of 33 per cent. A related restriction on alienation must be noted in the land register. Article 7 paragraphs 4 and 5 apply by analogy.

3 If the complex constructs homes in accordance with both paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, the maximum percentage of 33 per cent shall be reduced by the value obtained by dividing the area of the homes in accordance with paragraph 1 by the sum of the area of the homes in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 and multiplying the result by 13 per cent.

4 In an organised accommodation complex that already existed on 11 March 2012, a maximum of 50 per cent of the main usable area may be converted for use as homes without restriction on use under Article 7 paragraph 1 provided:

the complex has been run as such for at least 25 years;
it can no longer be run profitably and cannot be converted for use as homes intended as managed tourist accommodation;
the fact that the accommodation complex concerned can no longer be run profitably is not due to any failure on the part of the owner or operator; and
there are no overriding interests to the contrary.

5 An independent expert report must be provided as proof that the requirements in paragraphs 1 or 4 have been met. The Federal Council shall regulate the details.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.