1 En vischnancas cun ina quota d’abitaziuns secundaras da sur 20 pertschient dastgan novas abitaziuns vegnir empermessas mo, sch’ellas vegnan duvradas sco suonda:
2 In’abitaziun vala sco explotada turisticamain, sch’ella vegn offrida, en moda duraivla, a giasts exclusivamain per segiurns da curta durada ed a las cundiziuns usitadas dal martgà e dal lieu e sch’ella:
3 L’autoritad ch’è cumpetenta per las permissiuns da construcziun ordinescha en la permissiun da construcziun cun ina servitut la restricziun d’utilisaziun tenor l’alinea 1 litera a u tenor l’alinea 2 litera a u b. Sche la permissiun da construcziun per ina nova abitaziun na cuntegna nagina ordinaziun da quest gener e sch’i n’è er betg avant maun ina permissiun tenor l’artitgel 8, 9, 26 u 27, vegni supponì ch’i vala la restricziun d’utilisaziun tenor l’alinea 1 litera a.
4 Immediatamain suenter che la permissiun da construcziun è entrada en vigur incumbensescha l’autoritad che conceda las permissiuns da construcziun l’Uffizi dal register funsil da menziunar en il register funsil la restricziun d’utilisaziun che pertutga il bain immobigliar respectiv.
5 Il Cussegl federal regla ils detagls, en spezial:
1 In communes with a proportion of second homes in excess of 20 per cent, building permits may only be granted for new homes if they are used as follows:
2 A home is deemed to be managed tourist accommodation if it is permanently offered for the exclusively short-term use of guests on terms that are customary in the market and in the locality and it:
3 The building authority shall impose a restriction on use in accordance with paragraph 1 letter a or paragraph 2 letter a or b in the building permit by means of condition of use. If the building permit for a new home does not contain such a condition and in the absence of authorisation in accordance with Articles 8, 9, 26 or 27, it shall be assumed that the restriction on use in accordance with paragraph 1 letter a applies.
4 As soon as the building permit takes legal effect, the building authority shall instruct the land registry to note the restriction on use in the land register in respect of the property concerned.
5 The Federal Council shall regulate the details, in particular:
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.