702 Lescha federala dals 20 da mars 2015 davart las abitaziuns secundaras (Lescha davart las abitaziuns secundaras, LAS)

702 Federal Act of 20 March 2015 on Second Homes (Second Homes Act, SHA)

Art. 9 Novas abitaziuns en edifizis protegids

1 En vischnancas che han ina quota d’abitaziuns secundaras da sur 20 pertschient dastgan novas abitaziuns senza restricziun d’utilisaziun tenor l’artitgel 7 alinea 1 vegnir permessas en edifizis protegids u en edifizis caracteristics per il lieu che sa chattan entaifer las zonas da construcziun, sche:

l’edifizi na vegn betg pregiuditgà en sia valur da protecziun, en spezial l’aspect exteriur e la structura architectonica fundamentala da l’edifizi na vegnan betg midads essenzialmain;
in mantegniment permanent da l’edifizi na po betg vegnir garantì autramain; e
nagins interess predominants na s’opponan a quai.

2 Ordaifer las zonas da construcziun vegn giuditgada l’admissibladad da novas abitaziuns senza restricziun d’utilisaziun en il senn da l’artitgel 7 alinea 1 tenor las disposiziuns da la legislaziun davart la planisaziun dal territori.

3 Las ulteriuras premissas dal dretg federal e dal dretg chantunal restan resalvadas.

Art. 9 New homes in protected buildings

1 In communes with a proportion of second homes in excess of 20 per cent, new homes without restrictions on use in accordance with Article 7 paragraph 1 may be authorised within the building zones in protected buildings or buildings that define the appearance of the locality provided:

the conservation value of the building is not adversely affected, and in particular the outward appearance and basic structure of the building essentially remains unchanged;
the long-term preservation of the building cannot otherwise be guaranteed; and
there are no overriding interests to the contrary.

2 Outside the building zones, the permissibility of new homes without restrictions on use as defined in Article 7 paragraph 1 is governed by the spatial planning legislation.

3 Other requirements of federal law and of cantonal law are reserved.


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.