121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 80 Surveglianza e controlla tras il Cussegl federal

1 Il DDPS orientescha regularmain il Cussegl federal davart la situaziun da smanatscha e davart las activitads dal SIC.

2 Il Cussegl federal regla:

la surveglianza da las finanzas da quels champs d’activitad dal SIC ch’èn suttamess ad ina discreziun speziala;
las pretensiuns minimalas a las controllas en ils chantuns e las cumpetenzas dals organs da surveglianza da la Confederaziun.

3 Cunvegnas administrativas internaziunalas che vegnan fatgas dal SIC, che cumpiglian ina perioda pli lunga, che han consequenzas finanzialas substanzialas u da las qualas il Cussegl federal stuess avair enconuschientscha per motivs giuridics u politics, ston vegnir approvadas dal Cussegl federal. La resalva d’approvaziun vala er per cunvegnas che na vegnan betg fixadas en scrit. Las cunvegnas dastgan vegnir exequidas pir suenter ch’ellas èn vegnidas approvadas.

4 Il DDPS orientescha il Cussegl federal e la DelCG annualmain u tenor basegn davart l’intent ed il dumber da las identitads da finta che vegnan applitgadas dals collavuraturs dal SIC u dals organs da segirezza dals chantuns. Il dumber dals documents d’identitad emess da nov sto vegnir cumprovà separadamain.

5 Il Cussegl federal orientescha la DelCG annualmain e tenor basegn davart scumonds d’activitads e davart ils resultats da la controlla regulara tenor l’artitgel 73 alinea 3 sco er davart scumonds d’organisaziuns.

Art. 80 Supervision and control by the Federal Council

1 The DDPS shall inform the Federal Council regularly about the threat situation and the activities of the FIS.

2 The Federal Council shall regulate:

financial supervision over the spheres of activity of the FIS that require particular confidentiality;
the minimum requirements for control in the cantons and the responsibilities of federal supervision bodies.

3 International administrative agreements concluded by the FIS that are of long-term duration, have substantial financial consequences or of which the Federal Council should be notified for legal or political reasons require approval by the Federal Council. This requirement of approval also applies to unwritten agreements. The agreements may only be implemented once approval is given.

4 The DDPS shall inform the Federal Council and the CDel annually or as required about the purpose and number of alias identities being used by employees of the FIS or cantonal security agencies. The number of newly issued identity documents must be shown separately.

5 The Federal Council shall inform the CDel annually and as required about bans on activities and the results of the regular review in accordance with Article 73 paragraph 3 and about bans of organisations.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.