121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 79 Instanza independenta da controlla per l’exploraziun via radio e via cabel

1 Ina instanza independenta da controlla entaifer l’administraziun verifitgescha, sche l’exploraziun via radio è legala e surveglia l’execuziun da las incumbensas d’exploraziun via cabel approvadas e deliberadas. Ella exequescha sias incumbensas senza stuair observar instrucziuns. Il Cussegl federal elegia ses commembers.

2 L’instanza da controlla verifitgescha las incumbensas che vegnan dadas al servetsch che fa l’exploraziun sco er l’elavuraziun ed il transferiment da las infurmaziuns che quel ha registrà. Per quest intent survegn ella dals posts cumpetents l’access a tut las infurmaziuns utilas ed a tut ils stabiliments.

3 Sin basa da la controlla po ella dar recumandaziuns e pretender tar il DDPS che incumbensas d’exploraziun via radio vegnian sistidas e che infurmaziuns vegnian stizzadas. Sias recumandaziuns, sias pretensiuns e ses rapports n’èn betg publics.

4 Il Cussegl federal regla la cumposiziun e l’organisaziun da l’instanza da controlla, l’indemnisaziun da ses commembers sco er l’organisaziun da ses secretariat. La perioda d’uffizi importa 4 onns.

Art. 79 Independent control authority for radio and cable communications intelligence

1 An independent control authority within the Administration shall verify the legality of radio communications intelligence and supervise the conduct of authorised and cleared cable communications intelligence assignments. In carrying out its tasks, it is not bound by directives from other authorities. The Federal Council shall appoint its members.

2 The control authority shall examine the assignments given to the service carrying out communications intelligence and the processing and passing on of information that this service has obtained. For this purpose, it shall be granted access by the responsible agencies to all relevant information and facilities.

3 It may issue recommendations based on its audit and request that the DDPS terminate radio communications intelligence assignments and delete information. Its recommendations, requests and reports are not made public.

4 The Federal Council shall regulate the composition and the organisation of the control authority, the remuneration of its members and the organisation of its Secretariat. The term of office amounts to four years.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.