121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 63 Dretg da survegnir infurmaziuns

1 Il dretg da survegnir infurmaziuns concernent ils sistems d’infurmaziun PES, portal OSINT e Quattro P, concernent las datas administrativas en GEVER SIC sco er concernent las datas en ils sistems d’arcunaziun tenor ils artitgels 36 alinea 5 e 58 sa drizza tenor la LPD27.

2 Sch’ina persuna pretenda infurmaziuns davart la dumonda, sch’il SIC elavurescha datas davart ella en ils sistems d’infurmaziun IASA SIC, IASA-GEX SIC, INDEX SIC, ISCO ed en il sistem d’arcun da datas restantas sco er en las datas d’infurmaziun da GEVER SIC, suspenda il SIC questa infurmaziun:

sche ed uschenavant ch’i dat interess predominants concernent las datas elavuradas ch’èn motivads en las actas per tegnair secret quellas en connex cun:
l’adempliment d’ina incumbensa tenor l’artitgel 6, u
ina persecuziun penala u in’autra procedura d’inquisiziun;
sche ed uschenavant che quai è necessari pervia d’interess predominants da terzas persunas; u
sch’i na vegnan betg elavuradas datas davart la persuna petenta.

3 Il SIC communitgescha a la persuna petenta la suspensiun da l’infurmaziun e la renviescha al fatg, ch’ella haja il dretg da pretender da l’incumbensà federal per la protecziun da datas e per la transparenza (IFPDT), ch’el examineschia, sche eventualas datas vegnian elavuradas en moda legala e sche interess da tegnair secret predominants giustifitgeschian la suspensiun.

4 Uschespert ch’i na dat pli nagins interess da tegnair secret, il pli tard dentant suenter che la durada da conservaziun è scadida, dat il SIC infurmaziuns a la persuna petenta tenor la LPD, nun che quai saja cumbinà cun lavur sproporziunada.

5 Persunas, da las qualas n’èn vegnidas elavuradas naginas datas, infurmescha il SIC davart quest fatg il pli tard 3 onns suenter che lur dumonda è entrada.

Art. 63 Right to information

1 The right to information relating to the ESD, OSINT portal and Quattro P information systems, the administrative data in GEVER FIS and data in the storage systems in accordance with Articles 36 paragraph 5 and 58 is governed by the FADP27.

2 If a person requests information on whether the FIS is processing data on them in the IASA FIS, IASA-GEX FIS, INDEX FIS or ISCO information systems, the residual data memory or in the GEVER FIS intelligence data, the FIS shall defer its response:

if and to the extent that there are overriding interests that are justified in the files in preserving secrecy in relation to the data about the person that is being processed that are connected with:
the fulfilment of a task in accordance with Article 6, or
a prosecution or other investigation;
if and to the extent that it is required because of overriding interests of third parties; or
if no data about the applicant is being processed.

3 The FIS shall notify the applicant that it is deferring the provision of information and advise the applicant that they have the right to request the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) that he examine whether the data, if any, is being lawfully processed and whether overriding interests in preserving secrecy justify the deferral.

4 As soon as there are no longer any interests in preserving secrecy, but at the latest on expiry of the retention period, the FIS shall provide the applicant with information in accordance with the FADP unless there is excessive work and expense involved.

5 The FIS shall notify persons in respect of whom no data is being processed of this fact no later than three years after receipt of their request.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.