121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 41 Procedura d’approvaziun

1 Sch’il SIC ha l’intenziun da dar ina incumbensa per in’exploraziun via cabel, suttametta el al Tribunal administrativ federal ina dumonda cun:

la descripziun da l’incumbensa al servetsch che fa l’exploraziun;
la motivaziun da la necessitad da l’exploraziun;
l’indicaziun da las categorias da noziuns da tschertga;
l’indicaziun da las gestiunarias da raits da cabel e da las purschidras da servetschs da telecommunicaziun che ston furnir ils signals ch’èn necessaris per far l’exploraziun via cabel; e
l’indicaziun dal cumenzament e da la fin da l’incumbensa.

2 La procedura sa drizza tenor ils artitgels 29–32.

3 L’approvaziun vala maximalmain 6 mais. Tenor la medema procedura po ella vegnir prolungada mintgamai per maximalmain 3 mais.

Art. 41 Authorisation procedure

1 If the FIS intends to issue a mandate for cable communications intelligence, it shall file an application with Federal Administrative Court that includes:

a description of the mandate to be issued to the service carrying out the communications intelligence;
the reasons why the operation is necessary;
details of the categories of search parameters;
details of the operators of cable-based networks and the providers of telecommunications services that must supply the signals required to conduct the cable communications intelligence; and
details of when the operation will start and finish.

2 The further procedure is governed by Articles 29–32.

3 Authorisation applies for a maximum of six months. This period may be extended for a maximum of three months in any given case in accordance with the same procedure.


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.