121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 39 Disposiziuns generalas

1 Il SIC po incumbensar il servetsch che fa l’exploraziun da procurar infurmaziuns davart andaments a l’exteriur che han ina relevanza per la politica da segirezza (art. 6 al. 1 lit. b) sco er per proteger ulteriurs interess impurtants da la Svizra tenor l’artitgel 3 da registrar signals transcunfinals or da raits da cabel.

2 Sche tant l’emettur sco er il retschavider sa chattan en Svizra, n’è l’utilisaziun dals signals registrads tenor l’alinea 1 betg admessa. Sch’il servetsch che fa l’exploraziun n’è betg en cas da zavrar tals signals gia tar la registraziun, ston las datas procuradas vegnir destruidas, apaina ch’igl è cler ch’ellas derivan da tals signals.

3 Datas da signals registrads dastgan vegnir transferids al SIC mo, sche lur cuntegn correspunda a las noziuns da tschertga ch’èn vegnidas definidas per ademplir l’incumbensa. Las noziuns da tschertga ston vegnir definidas uschia che lur applicaziun chaschuna intervenziuns uschè pitschnas sco pussaivel en la sfera privata da persunas. Indicaziuns davart persunas svizras natiralas u giuridicas n’èn betg admessas sco noziuns da tschertga.

4 Il Cussegl federal regla:

ils secturs d’exploraziun admess;
l’organisaziun ed ils detagls da la procedura da l’exploraziun via cabel;
la durada maximala da la perioda, durant la quala il servetsch che fa l’exploraziun dastga conservar las registraziuns da las datas da cuntegn e da colliaziun che derivan da l’exploraziun via cabel.

Art. 39 General Provisions

1 In order to gather information about events outside Switzerland that are of significance to security (Art. 6 para. 1 let. b) and to safeguard additional important national interests in accordance with Article 3, the FIS may instruct the service carrying out the communications intelligence to record cross-border signals from cable-based networks.

2 If both the transmitter and the recipient are located in Switzerland, the recorded signals in accordance with paragraph 1 may not be used. If the service carrying out communications intelligence cannot separate such signals during the recording process, the data procured shall be destroyed as soon as it is established that it originates from such signals.

3 Data from recorded signals may only be passed on to the FIS if its content corresponds to the search parameters defined for the operation. The search parameters must be defined so that their application causes as little interference as possible in the private domain of persons. Details of Swiss natural persons or legal entities are not permitted as search parameters.

4 The Federal Council shall regulate:

the permitted fields of communications intelligence;
the organisation and the details of the procedure for cable communications intelligence;
the maximum period that the service carrying out the communications intelligence may retain recorded content and connection data obtained from cable communications intelligence.

Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.