1 La Confederaziun po manar in servetsch per registrar emissiuns electromagneticas da sistems da telecommunicaziun che sa chattan a l’exteriur (exploraziun radiofonica).
2 L’exploraziun radiofonica serva a:
3 Il Cussegl federal regla ils secturs d’exploraziun, l’organisaziun e la procedura da l’exploraziun radiofonica. El fixescha quant ditg che las communicaziuns e las datas da colliaziun registradas dastgan restar arcunadas tar il servetsch che fa l’exploraziun radiofonica.
4 En quest connex garantescha el en spezial ch’il servetsch che fa l’exploraziun radiofonica transferescha da las communicaziuns registradas:
5 Il servetsch che fa l’exploraziun radiofonica transferescha da las communicaziuns registradas infurmaziuns davart andaments en Svizra, sch’ellas renvieschan ad ina smanatscha concreta da la segirezza interna tenor l’artitgel 6 alinea 1 litera a.
6 Sch’el frunta tar sia activitad sin communicaziuns registradas che na cuntegnan naginas infurmaziuns davart andaments a l’exteriur che han ina relevanza per la politica da segirezza e nagins renviaments ad ina smanatscha concreta da la segirezza interna, destruescha el quellas communicaziuns uschè svelt sco pussaivel.
1 The Confederation may operate a service for recording electro-magnetic emissions from telecommunications systems located abroad (radio communications intelligence).
2 Radio communications intelligence has the following purposes:
3 The Federal Council shall regulate the fields of communications intelligence, and the organisation and procedures for radio communications intelligence. It shall specify for how long the recorded communications and connection data may be retained by the service carrying out the communications intelligence.
4 It shall in particular ensure that from the recorded communications the service carrying out the communications intelligence:
5 The service carrying out the communications intelligence shall pass on information about events in Switzerland obtained from the recorded communications if the information provides evidence of a specific threat to internal security in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 letter a.
6 If it comes across recorded communications in the course of its activities that contain no information about events outside Switzerland that are of significance to security and no evidence of any specific threat to internal security, it shall destroy the recordings as quickly as possible.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.