121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)

121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)

Art. 16 Signalaments per tschertgar persunas ed objects

1 Il SIC po publitgar il signalament da persunas e da vehichels en il sistem informatisà da retschertga da la polizia tenor l’artitgel 15 alinea 1 da la Lescha federala dals 13 da zercladur 20086 davart ils sistems d’infurmaziun da polizia federala (LSIP) sco er en la part naziunala dal sistem d’infurmaziun da Schengen tenor l’artitgel 16 alinea 2 LSIP.

2 La publicaziun d’in signalament d’ina persuna u d’in vehichel è mo admessa, sche indizis motivads èn avant maun, che:

la persuna pertutgada represchenta ina smanatscha concreta per la segirezza interna u externa tenor l’artitgel 6 alinea 1 litera a;
il vehichel vegn duvrà d’ina persuna en il senn da la litera a;
il vehichel vegn duvrà per in’autra smanatscha concreta per la segirezza interna u externa tenor l’artitgel 6 alinea 1 litera a;
igl è necessari da determinar il lieu, nua ch’ina persuna u in vehichel sa chatta per proteger ulteriurs interess impurtants da la Svizra tenor l’artitgel 3.

3 Il signalament na dastga betg vegnir publitgà per survegliar il vehichel d’ina persuna che appartegna ad ina da las gruppas professiunalas menziunadas en ils artitgels 171–173 dal Cudesch da procedura penala svizzer (CPP)7.

Art. 16 Alerts on persons and property

1 The FIS may arrange for alerts to be issued in the computerised police search system in accordance with Article 15 paragraph 1 of the Federal Act of 13 June 20086 on the Federal Police Information Systems (FPISA) and in the national part of the Schengen Information System in accordance with Article 16 paragraph 2 FPISA in respect of persons and vehicles.

2 An alert in respect of a person or a vehicle is only permitted if there is reason to believe that:

the person concerned poses a specific threat to internal or external security in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 letter a;
the vehicle is being used by a person defined in letter a;
the vehicle will be used for a different specific threat to internal or external security in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 letter a;
the whereabouts of a person or a vehicle must be established in order to safeguard other important national interests in accordance with Article 3.

3 The alert may not be issued in order to monitor the vehicle of a third party that belongs to any of the professions mentioned in Articles 171–173 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrimPC)7.


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