1 Per i prelievi d’acqua destinati a impianti soggetti all’esame dell’impatto sull’ambiente (EIA), il rapporto sui deflussi residuali (art. 33 cpv. 4 LPAc) è parte integrante del rapporto concernente l’impatto sull’ambiente.
2 Per i prelievi d’acqua per i quali occorre consultare la Confederazione e che non sottostanno all’EIA, l’autorità provvede affinché l’UFAM disponga del parere del competente servizio cantonale in merito al rapporto sui deflussi residuali o di un progetto definitivo di tale parere. L’UFAM può limitarsi a un controllo sommario dei documenti.46
46 Nuovo testo giusta il n. I 1 dell’O del 29 giu. 2011 concernente adeguamenti di ordinanze nel settore ambientale, in vigore dal 1° ago. 2011 (RU 2011 3379).
1 For water withdrawals which are subject to an environmental impact assessment (EIA), the residual flow report is part of the environmental impact report (Art. 33 para. 4 WPA).
2 For water withdrawals on which the federal government must be consulted and which are not subject to an EIA, the authorities shall ensure that the opinion of the cantonal expert body on the residual water report or on an amended draft thereof is made available to the FOEN. The FOEN may limit itself to making a summary review of the documents.44
44 Amended by No I 1 of the O of 29 June 2011 on the Amendment of Ordinances in the Environment Sector, in force since 1 Aug. 2011 (AS 2011 3379).
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.