1 Les réductions d’émissions qu’un exploitant d’installations obtient en dehors de ses propres installations de production grâce à une amélioration des produits peuvent être prises en compte sur demande pour le respect de l’engagement de réduction si les conditions suivantes sont réunies:
2 La procédure est régie par les art. 6 à 11, qui s’appliquent par analogie.
1 An installation operator must submit annually by 31 May of the following year a monitoring report to a private organisation commissioned by the FOEN in accordance with Article 130 paragraph 6. If cooperation with the private organisations ends, the operator shall submit the monitoring report to the SFOE. The private organisations commissioned or the SFOE shall forward the monitoring report to the FOEN.233
2 The monitoring report must contain:
3 The data must be contrasted in a summary table with comparative data from previous years. The FOEN defines the form of the monitoring report in a directive.
4 The FOEN may request additional information if required for monitoring.
232 Amended by No I of the O of 8 Oct. 2014, in force since 1 Dec. 2014 (AS 2014 3293).
233 Amended by No I of the O of 4 May 2022, in force since 1 June 2022 (AS 2022 311).
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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.