814.01 Federal Act of 7 October 1983 on the Protection of the Environment (Environmental Protection Act, EPA)

814.01 Lescha federala dals 7 d'october 1983 davart la protecziun da l'ambient (Lescha davart la protecziun da l'ambient, LPAmb)

Art. 59abis Pathogenic organisms

1 Persons subject to an authorisation or notification obligation who handle pathogenic organisms in a contained system, release such organisms for experimental purposes or put them into circulation without authorisation are liable for any loss or damage that arises from such conduct.

2 The person required to obtain authorisation is exclusively liable for any loss or damage occasioned to an agricultural or forestry establishment or customers of products from such establishments by pathogenic organisms that are authorised to be put into circulation if the organisms:

are contained in auxiliary agents used in agriculture or forestry144; or
originate from such auxiliary agents.

3 In the case of liability under paragraph 2, recourse is reserved against persons who have handled such organisms improperly or have otherwise contributed to causing or aggravating the loss or damage.

4 If loss or damage is caused by any other pathogenic organisms that are authorised to be put into circulation, the person required to obtain authorisation is liable if the organisms are defective. He is also liable for any defect that he was unable to detect according to the standards of science and technology at the time that the organism was put into circulation.

5 Pathogenic organisms are defective if they do not offer the level of safety that anyone is entitled to expect taking account of all the circumstances; the following must be taken into account in particular:

the way in which they are presented to the public;
the use that may reasonably be expected;
the time at which they were put into circulation.

6 A product containing pathogenic organisms is not defective simply because an improved product has subsequently been put into circulation.

7 The loss or damage must be due to the pathogenicity of the organisms.

8 The burden of proving a causal connection lies with the person claiming damages. If such proof cannot be provided with certainty or if the person subject to the burden cannot reasonably be expected to present the required evidence, the court may satisfy itself on the balance of probability. The court may also order that the facts of the case be established ex officio.

9 The person required to obtain authorisation or file a report must also reimburse the costs of the required and appropriate measures that have been taken to reconstitute elements of the environment that have been destroyed or damaged or to replace such elements with their equivalents. If the destroyed or damaged elements of the environment are not the subject of a property right or if the person entitled does not take the measures required in the circumstances, the right to damages becomes that of the public authority concerned.

10 Any person who proves that the loss or damage was caused by force majeure or by gross negligence on the part of the injured party or of a third party is relieved of liability.

11 Articles 42–47 and 49–53 of the Code of Obligations145 apply.

12 The Confederation, cantons and communes may also be held liable in accordance with paragraphs 1–11.

143 Inserted by Annex No 4 of the Gene Technology Act of 21 March 2003, in force since 1 Jan. 2004 (AS 2003 4803; BBl 2000 2391).

144 Expression in German version in accordance with No II 1 of the FA of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3233; BBl 2009 5435). This amendment has been made throughout the Act.

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Art. 59abis Organissems patogens

1 Tgi ch’è suttamess a l’obligaziun da permissiun u d’annunzia ed applitgescha organissems patogens en sistems serrads, emetta tals organissems en l’ambient per experiments u als metta en circulaziun senza permissiun, è responsabel per donns che resultan tras questa applicaziun.

2 Per il donn che resulta als manaschis agriculs e forestals u als consuments da products da tals manaschis tras organissems patogens mess en circulaziun autorisadamain, è responsabla unicamain la persuna ch’è suttamessa a l’obligaziun da permissiun, sch’ils organissems:

èn cuntegnids en meds da producziun144 agriculs u forestals; u
derivan da tals meds da producziun.

3 Per la responsabladad tenor l’alinea 2 resta resalvà il regress a persunas che han tractà tals organissems en moda inadequata u che han contribuì en autra moda ch’il donn è resultà u è daventà pli grond.

4 Sch’in donn vegn chaschunà tras tut ils ulteriurs organissems patogens mess en circulaziun autorisadamain, è responsabla la persuna ch’è suttamessa a l’obligaziun da permissiun, sch’ils organissems èn manglus. Ella è er responsabla per in sbagl che n’ha – tenor il stadi da la scienza e da la tecnica – betg pudì vegnir percurschì il mument che l’organissem è vegnì mess en circulaziun.

5 Organissems patogens èn manglus, sch’els na porschan betg la segirezza ch’ins dastgass spetgar resguardond tut las circumstanzas; en spezial stoi vegnir tegnì quint:

da la moda e maniera, co ch’els vegnan preschentads al public;
dal diever, cun il qual ins dastgass raschunaivlamain quintar;
dal mument ch’els èn vegnids mess en circulaziun.

6 In product che consista d’organissems patogens n’è betg manglus, mo perquai che igl è vegnì mess en circulaziun pli tard in product meglierà.

7 Il donn sto esser resultà pervia da la patogenitad dals organissems.

8 La cumprova dal connex causal è chaussa da la persuna che pretenda ina indemnisaziun dal donn. Sche questa cumprova na po betg vegnir furnida cun tschertezza u sch’ins na po betg pretender che la cumprova vegnia registrada da la persuna che sto furnir la cumprova, po la dretgira sa cuntentar cun la probabladad predominanta. La dretgira po ultra da quai laschar constatar d’uffizi ils fatgs.

9 Tgi ch’è suttamess a l’obligaziun da permissiun u d’annunzia sto er remplazzar ils custs da mesiras necessarias e commensuradas ch’èn vegnidas prendidas per reparar cumponentas da l’ambient destruidas u donnegiadas u per las remplazzar tras cumponentas equivalentas. Sche las cumponentas da l’ambient destruidas u donnegiadas n’èn betg object d’in dretg real u sche la persuna autorisada na prenda betg las mesiras necessarias tenor las circumstanzas, cumpeta la pretensiun d’indemnisaziun a la communitad cumpetenta.

10 Liberà da la responsabladad vegn, tgi che cumprova ch’il donn è vegnì chaschunà tras forza superiura u tras ina greva culpa dal donnegià u d’in terz.

11 Ils artitgels 42–47 e 49–53 dal Dretg d’obligaziuns145 èn applitgabels.

12 Er la Confederaziun, ils chantuns e las vischnancas èn responsabels tenor ils alineas 1–11.

143 Integrà tras la cifra 4 da l’agiunta da la LF dals 21 da mars 2003 davart la tecnica genetica, en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2004 (AS 2003 4803; BBl 2000 2391).

144 Expressiun tenor la cifra II 1 da la LF dals 19 da mars 2010, en vigur dapi il 1. d’avust 2010 (AS 2010 3233; BBl 2009 5435). Questa midada è vegnida resguardada en l’entir decret.

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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.