702 Federal Act of 20 March 2015 on Second Homes (Second Homes Act, SHA)

702 Lescha federala dals 20 da mars 2015 davart las abitaziuns secundaras (Lescha davart las abitaziuns secundaras, LAS)

Art. 5 Determining the proportion of second homes

1 The Confederation shall determine the proportion of second homes when compared with the total number of homes for each commune based on the inventory of homes in accordance with Article 4.

2 If a commune does not submit its inventory of homes within the required deadline, it shall be assumed that the commune concerned has a proportion of second homes in excess of 20 per cent. The competent federal authority may extend the deadline at the request of the commune if there is good cause.

3 The Federal Council shall specify the federal authority that determines the proportion of second homes.

4 This authority shall consult the canton in which the commune is located before reaching its decision.

Art. 5 Determinaziun da la quota d’abitaziuns secundaras

1 Sin basa da l’inventari d’abitaziuns tenor l’artitgel 4 determinescha la Confederaziun per mintga vischnanca la quota d’abitaziuns secundaras envers l’effectiv total d’abitaziuns.

2 Sch’ina vischnanca na preschenta betg ad ura ses inventari d’abitaziuns, vegn supponida per ella ina quota d’abitaziuns secundaras da sur 20 pertschient. Sin dumonda da la vischnanca po l’autoritad federala responsabla conceder ina prolungaziun dal termin, sche motivs stringents èn avant maun.

3 Il Cussegl federal designescha l’autoritad federala che determinescha la quota d’abitaziuns secundaras.

4 Avant che prender ina decisiun taidla quella il chantun, nua che la vischnancas sa chatta.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.