152.3 Federal Act of 17 December 2004 on Freedom of Information in the Administration (Freedom of Information Act, FoIA)

152.3 Lescha federala dals 17 da december 2004 davart il princip da la transparenza da l'administraziun (Lescha da transparenza, LTrans)

Art. 7 Exceptions

1 The right of access shall be limited, deferred or refused if such access to an official document:

significantly impairs the free opinion-forming and decision-making processes of an authority which is subject to this Act, or of another legislative, administrative or judicial body;
affects the execution of specific measures taken by an authority in conformity with its objectives;
is likely to compromise the domestic and international security of Switzerland;
is likely to affect the interests of Switzerland in matters of foreign policy and international relations;
is likely to affect relations between the Federal Government and the cantons, or inter-cantonal relations;
is likely to affect the economic or monetary interests of Switzerland;
is likely to reveal professional, business or manufacturing secrets; or
is likely to result in the release of information provided voluntarily by a third party to an authority which undertook to maintain secrecy with regard thereto.

2 The right of access shall be limited, deferred or refused if such access to an official document is likely to prejudice the privacy of a third party, unless exceptionally outweighed by public interest.

Art. 7 Excepziuns

1 Il dretg d’access als documents uffizials vegn limità, suspendì u refusà, sch’el po:

pregiuditgar considerablamain la libra furmaziun da l’opiniun e da la voluntad d’ina autoritad suttamessa a questa lescha, d’in auter organ legislativ u administrativ u d’ina instanza giudiziala;
disturbar l’execuziun tenor las finamiras da mesiras concretas tras ina autoritad;
periclitar la segirezza interna u externa da la Svizra;
cumprometter ils interess da la politica exteriura u las relaziuns internaziunalas da la Svizra;
cumprometter las relaziuns tranter la Confederaziun ed ils chantuns u tranter ils chantuns;
periclitar ils interess da la politica economica u monetara da la Svizra;
svelar secrets da professiun, da fatschenta u da fabricaziun;
divulgar infurmaziuns ch’èn vegnidas communitgadas voluntarmain da terzas persunas ad in’autoritad che aveva garantì da las tegnair secret.

2 Il dretg d’access als documents uffizials vegn limità, suspendì u refusà, sch’el po pregiuditgar la sfera privata da terzas persunas; excepziunalmain po dentant prevalair l’interess public a l’access.


This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.