1 The risks to humans, animals and the environment from the use of plant protection products shall be reduced and the quality of drinking water, surface waters and groundwater shall be improved.
2 The risks to surface waters and to semi-natural habitats and the extent of groundwater contamination must be reduced by 50 per cent by 2027 relative to the mean value for the years 2012−2015. If the risks remain unacceptable, the Federal Council may set a reduction path for the period from 2027.
3 The Federal Council shall specify the indicators for assessing achievement of the values referred to in paragraph 2. These indicators shall take account of the toxicity and the use of the various plant protection products. For this purpose, the Federal Council shall consider data from, among other sources, the information system referred to in Article 165f bis.
4 The Federal Council may define risk reduction values for other risk areas.
5 The sectoral and producer organisations concerned and other stakeholder organisations may take risk reduction measures and report regularly to the Confederation on the nature and effect of the measures they have taken.
6 The Federal Council may designate the organisations referred to in paragraph 5.
7 It may appoint a private sector agency to perform certain tasks, such as assessing risk reduction measures, monitoring the results or providing advisory services, and may offer financial support for such activities.
8 Should it become apparent that that the reduction targets referred to in paragraph 2 will not be achieved, the Federal Council shall take the necessary measures two years at the latest before the deadline, specifically by revoking the approval of substances posing a particularly high risk.
17 Inserted by No I 3 of the FA of 19 March 2021 on Reducing the Risks associated with Pesticide Use, in force since 1 Jan. 2023 (AS 2022 263; BBl 2020 6523, 6785).
I mezzi finanziari per i settori di compiti più importanti sono stanziati al massimo per quattro anni con decreto federale semplice in base a un messaggio del Consiglio federale. Il relativo involucro finanziario è deciso simultaneamente.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.