Landesrecht 3 Strafrecht - Strafrechtspflege - Strafvollzug 37 Flüchtlingshelferinnen und -helfer zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus
Internal Law 3 Criminal law - Administration of criminal justice - Execution of sentences 37 Persons who assisted refugees at the time of the Nazi regime

371 Bundesgesetz vom 20. Juni 2003 über die Aufhebung von Strafurteilen gegen Flüchtlingshelfer zur Zeit des Nationalsozialismus

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371 Federal Act of 20 June 2003 on the Annulment of the Convictions of Persons who assisted Refugees at the time of the Nazi Regime

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Art. 1 Gegenstand und Zweck
Art. 1 Subject Matter and Objective
Art. 2 Begriff
Art. 2 Definitions
Art. 3 Aufhebung der Strafurteile
Art. 3 Annulment of Convictions
Art. 4 Rehabilitierung
Art. 4 Rehabilitation
Art. 5 Tateinheit mit anderen Straftaten
Art. 5 Application to other Offences
Art. 6 als Rehabilitierungskommission
Art. 6 as the Rehabilitation Committee
Art. 7 Gesuch
Art. 7 Applications
Art. 8 Frist
Art. 8 Time Limits
Art. 9 Nichteintreten
Art. 9 Non-Consideration of Applications
Art. 10 Feststellung des Sachverhalts
Art. 10 Establishment of the Facts of the Case
Art. 11 Entscheid
Art. 11 Decision
Art. 12 Verfahrenskosten
Art. 12 Procedural Costs
Art. 13
Art. 13
Art. 14
Art. 14

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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.