954.1 Lescha federala dals 15 da zercladur 2018 davart ils instituts da finanzas (Lescha davart ils instituts da finanzas, LIFin)

954.1 Federal Act of 15 June 2018 on Financial Institutions (Financial Institutions Act, FinIA)

Art. 70 Violaziun da las disposiziuns davart la protecziun cunter scumbigl e cunter engion sco er da las obligaziuns d’annunzia

Cun ina multa fin 500 000 francs vegn chastià, tgi che fa intenziunadamain il suandant:

cuntrafa a la disposiziun davart la protecziun cunter scumbigl e cunter engion (art. 13);
na fa betg, fa en moda faussa u fa memia tard a la FINMA las annunzias prescrittas tenor ils artitgels 11 e 15.

Art. 70 Violation of the provisions on protection against confusion and deception and notification duties

A fine not exceeding CHF 500,000 shall be imposed on any person who wilfully:

violates the provision on protection against confusion and deception (Article 13);
fails to provide FINMA with the prescribed notifications in accordance with Articles 11 and 15, or does so incorrectly or too late.

Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.