954.1 Lescha federala dals 15 da zercladur 2018 davart ils instituts da finanzas (Lescha davart ils instituts da finanzas, LIFin)

954.1 Federal Act of 15 June 2018 on Financial Institutions (Financial Institutions Act, FinIA)

Art. 39 Midada da la direcziun da fonds

1 Ils dretgs e las obligaziuns da la direcziun da fonds pon vegnir transferids ad in’autra direcziun da fonds.

2 Il contract da transferiment è mo valaivel, sch’el vegn fixà en scrit u en in’autra furma che permetta ina cumprova tras text, sch’el ha il consentiment da la banca da deposit e sch’el vegn approvà da la FINMA.

3 La direcziun da fonds vertenta communitgescha en ils organs da publicaziun il transferiment planisà avant l’approvaziun tras la FINMA.

4 En las publicaziuns ston ils investiders vegnir rendids attent a la pussaivladad d’inoltrar objecziuns tar la FINMA entaifer 30 dis dapi la publicaziun. La procedura sa drizza tenor la Lescha federala dals 20 da december 196817 davart la procedura administrativa.

5 La FINMA approvescha la midada da la direcziun da fonds, sche las prescripziuns legalas èn observadas e sche la cuntinuaziun dal fond d’investiziun è en l’interess dals investiders.

6 Ella publitgescha la decisiun en ils organs da publicaziun.

Art. 39 Change of fund management company

1 The rights and duties of the fund management company may be transferred to another fund management company.

2 In order to be effective, the transfer agreement between the outgoing and incoming fund management company must be made in writing or in another form demonstrable via text and must have the consent of the custodian bank and the approval of FINMA.

3 Prior to approval by FINMA, the outgoing fund management company shall publish the proposed transfer in the publication media.

4 The investors must be informed in these publications of their right to lodge objections with FINMA within 30 days of publication. The procedure is based on the Administrative Procedure Act of 20 December 196817.

5 FINMA shall approve the change of fund management company if the legal requirements are met and the continuation of the investment fund is in the interest of the investors.

6 It shall publish the decision in the publication media.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.