921.0 Lescha federala dals 4 d'october 1991 davart il guaud (Lescha dal guaud, LG)

921.0 Federal Act of 4 October 1991 on Forest (Forest Act, ForA)

Art. 35 Princips

1 Contribuziuns da promoziun tenor questa lescha vegnan concedidas en il rom dals credits approvads sut la premissa che:

las mesiras sajan economicas e vegnian exequidas en moda professiunala;
las mesiras vegnian giuditgadas en moda globala ensemen cun las mesiras d’autras leschas federalas ed en connex cun talas;
il retschavider furneschia in’atgna prestaziun che stat en ina relaziun adequata cun sia capacitad economica, cun las ulteriuras funtaunas da finanziaziun e cun l’agid a sasez che po vegnir pretendì dad el;
terzs – saja quai giudiders u chaschunaders da donns – sa participeschian a la finanziaziun;
conflicts vegnian reglads en moda persistenta a favur da la conservaziun dal guaud.

2 Il Cussegl federal po prevair che contribuziuns vegnan pajadas mo a retschaviders che sa participeschan a mesiras da l’agid a sasez da l’economia forestala e da l’economia da laina.

32 Versiun tenor la cifra II 30 da la LF dals 6 d’oct. 2006 davart la nova concepziun da la gulivaziun da finanzas e da la repartiziun da las incumbensas tranter la Confederaziun ed ils chantuns (NGF), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2008 (AS 2007 5779; BBl 2005 6029).

Art. 35 Principles

1 Subsidies paid in accordance with this Act is granted within the scope of the authorised credits under the condition that:

the measures are cost effective and carried out professionally;
the measures are assessed in conjunction with those of other Federal Acts both collectively and according to their actions in combination;
the beneficiary makes a contribution that is proportionate to its economic performance, the other sources of finance and reasonable self-financing measures;
third parties, who are beneficiaries or originators of damage, are called on for co-financing;
a permanent resolution of conflicts that is beneficial to forest conservation is reached.

2 The Federal Council may require that subsidies are only paid to beneficiaries who participate in self-financing measures by the forestry and timber sector.

32 Amended by No II 30 of the Federal Act of 6 Oct. 2006 on the New System of Financial Equalisation and Division of Tasks between the Confederation and the Cantons (NFE), in force since 1 Jan. 2008 (AS 2007 5779; BBl 2005 6029).


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