1 La Confederaziun procura per retschertgas periodicas davart ils lieus, las funcziuns ed il stadi dal guaud, davart la producziun e l’utilisaziun da la laina sco er davart las structuras e la situaziun economica da l’economia forestala. Ils proprietaris da guaud sco er ils organs responsabels dals manaschis da l’economia forestala e da l’economia da laina ston dar a las autoritads las infurmaziuns necessarias ed, en cas da basegn, tolerar scleriments.
2 Persunas ch’èn incaricadas cun la realisaziun u cun l’evaluaziun da retschertgas èn suttamessas al secret d’uffizi.
1 The Confederation shall ensure that periodic surveys of the locations, functions and state of the forest, of the production and use of wood and of the structures and economic situation of the forestry sector are carried out. The forest owners and the management bodies of forestry and timber enterprises must provide the authorities with the information required and, if necessary, acquiesce in the conduct of enquiries.
2 All of those responsible for carrying out or evaluating surveys are bound by official secrecy.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.