921.0 Lescha federala dals 4 d'october 1991 davart il guaud (Lescha dal guaud, LG)

921.0 Federal Act of 4 October 1991 on Forest (Forest Act, ForA)

Art. 1 Intent

1 Questa lescha duai:

conservar il guaud en sia surfatscha ed en sia repartiziun geografica;
proteger il guaud sco biocenosa natirala;
procurar ch’il guaud possia ademplir sias funcziuns, en spezial sia funcziun da protecziun, sia funcziun sociala e sia funcziun economica (funcziuns dal guaud);
promover e mantegnair l’economia forestala.

2 Ella duai ultra da quai gidar a proteger umans e valurs materialas considerablas cunter lavinas, bovas, erosiun e crudada da crappa (eveniments da la natira).

Art. 1 Aim

1 This Act is intended to:

conserve the forest in its area and spatial distribution;
protect the forest as a near-natural community;
ensure that the forest can fulfil its functions, in particular its protective, social and economic functions (forest functions);
promote and maintain the forestry sector.

2 It is furthermore intended to contribute to the protection of human life and important material assets against avalanches, landslides, erosion and rockfall (natural events).


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This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.