814.01 Lescha federala dals 7 d'october 1983 davart la protecziun da l'ambient (Lescha davart la protecziun da l'ambient, LPAmb)

814.01 Federal Act of 7 October 1983 on the Protection of the Environment (Environmental Protection Act, EPA)

Art. 29e Infurmaziun dals cumpraders

1 Tgi che metta en circulaziun organissems sto:

infurmar il cumprader davart lur caracteristicas ch’èn impurtantas per applitgar ils princips da l’artitgel 29a;
instruir il cumprader uschia, ch’ils princips da l’artitgel 29a na vegnan betg violads, sch’ils organissems vegnan applitgads confurm a l’intent.

2 Las instrucziuns dals producents e dals importaders ston vegnir observadas.

Art. 29e Information to recipients

1 Any person who puts organisms into circulation must:

inform recipients of properties of the organisms that are of significance to the application of principles contained in Article 29a;
provide recipients with instructions so that handling according to the provisions will not result in any breach of the principles contained in Article 29a.

2 Instructions from manufacturers and importers must be complied with.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.