814.01 Lescha federala dals 7 d'october 1983 davart la protecziun da l'ambient (Lescha davart la protecziun da l'ambient, LPAmb)

814.01 Federal Act of 7 October 1983 on the Protection of the Environment (Environmental Protection Act, EPA)

Art. 29dbis Procedura da protesta

1 Dumondas da permissiuns tenor ils artitgels 29c alinea 1, 29d alinea 3 e 29f alinea 2 litera b vegnan publitgadas da l’autoritad da permissiun en il Fegl uffizial federal ed exponidas publicamain durant 30 dis.

2 Tgi ch’è partida tenor las prescripziuns da la Lescha federala dals 20 da december 196841 davart la procedura administrativa, po far protesta tar l’autoritad da permissiun durant il termin d’exposiziun. Tgi che na fa betg protesta, è exclus da l’ulteriura procedura.

40 Integrà tras la cifra II 1 da la LF dals 19 da mars 2010, en vigur dapi il 1. d’avust 2010 (AS 2010 3233; BBl 2009 5435).

41 SR 172.021

Art. 29dbis Objection procedure

1 Applications for authorisations under Articles 29c paragraph 1, 29d paragraph 3 and 29f paragraph 2 letter b shall be published by the issuing authority in the Federal Gazette and made available for public inspection for 30 days.

2 Any person who is a party in accordance with the Federal Act of 20 December 196841 on Administrative Procedure may file an objection with the issuing authority during the public inspection period. Persons who fail to file an objection are excluded from any further proceedings.

40 Inserted by No II 1 of the FA of 19 March 2010, in force since 1 Aug. 2010 (AS 2010 3233; BBl 2009 5435).

41 SR 172.021


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