702.1 Ordinaziun dals 4 da december 2015 davart las abitaziuns secundaras (OAS)

702.1 Second Homes Ordinance of 4 December 2015 (SHO)

Art. 9 Sistida tenor l’artitgel 14 alinea 1 litera b da la lescha

1 Tenor l’artitgel 14 alinea 1 litera b da la lescha limitescha l’autoritad che conceda las permissiuns da construcziun la sistida a maximalmain 2 onns. Ella prolunghescha la sistida, sch’il proprietari cumprova che las premissas tenor l’artitgel 14 alinea 1 litera b da la lescha èn anc adina ademplidas. La prolungaziun importa mintgamai maximalmain 2 onns.

2 Il proprietari sto cumprovar en mintga cas:

che inserats èn vegnids publitgads regularmain en moda confurma al martgà;
che l’abitaziun è vegnida publitgada a cundiziuns confurmas al martgà ed al lieu; e
che l’abitaziun era da tut temp pronta per vegnir occupada d’in locatari u d’in cumprader.

3 Sche la cumprova tenor l’artitgel 14 alinea 1 litera b da la lescha na vegn betg furnida, refusa l’autoritad che conceda las permissiuns da construcziun la sistida. Sch’i vegnan tratgas en consideraziun mesiras uffizialas tenor l’artitgel 17 da la lescha, transferescha ella il dossier a l’autoritad cumpetenta.

4 Sin proposta dal proprietari cumplettescha l’Uffizi dal register funsil – en cas da l’artitgel 14 alinea 1 litera b da la lescha – la remartga cun l’indicaziun da la sistida limitada.

Art. 9 Suspension in accordance with Article 14 paragraph 1 letter b of the Act

1 The building authority shall limit suspensions in accordance with Article 14 paragraph 1 letter b of the Act to a maximum of two years. It shall extend the suspension if the owner provides proof that the requirements set out in Article 14 paragraph 1 letter b of the Act continue to be met. The maximum extension in each case is two years.

2 The owner of must provide proof in every case that:

advertisements have appeared regularly in the form customary in the market;
the home has been offered for sale on terms that are customary for the market and locality; and
the home has been ready for occupation by a tenant or purchaser at any time.

3 If proof in accordance with Article 14 paragraph 1 letter b of the Act is not provided, the building authority shall refuse the suspension. If official measures in accordance with Article 17 of the Act come in for consideration, it shall forward the case file to the competent authority.

4 On application by the owner, the land register shall in the case of Article 14 paragraph 1 letter b of the Act record the note with the addendum of the time-limited suspension.


Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.