1 La Confederaziun maina e sustegna la perscrutaziun scientifica e relevanta per la protecziun dals animals.
2 En collavuraziun cun las scolas autas e cun l’industria promova ella cunzunt il svilup, la renconuschientscha e l’applicaziun da metodas che pon remplazzar ils experiments cun animals u che pon reducir il dumber d’animals d’experiment ubain la grevezza che quels ston supportar. En spezial promova ella ils projects da perscrutaziun spezials che han la finamira d’eliminar las dolurs, las suffrientschas u las temas en cas d’intervenziuns tenor l’artitgel 16.
1 The federal government shall carry out and support scientific research of relevance to animal welfare.
2 In collaboration with universities and industry, the federal government shall in particular promote the development, accreditation and application of methods that replace animal experiments, enable fewer animals to be used or result in less strain for the animals. In particular, it shall promote research projects aimed at eliminating pain, suffering or anxiety in interventions in terms of Article 16.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.