1 La lescha vala per vertebrads. Il Cussegl federal fixescha per tge invertebrads ch’ella è applitgabla en tge dimensiun. Per quest intent s’orientescha el a las experientschas scientificas davart la sensibilitad dals invertebrads.
2 Resalvadas restan la Lescha da chatscha dals 20 da zercladur 19863, la Lescha federala dal 1. da fanadur 19664 davart la protecziun da la natira e da la patria, la Lescha federala dals 21 da zercladur 19915 davart la pestga, la Lescha federala dals 13 da december 20026 davart la furmaziun professiunala sco er la Lescha federala dal 1. da fanadur 19667 davart epidemias d’animals.
1 The present Act applies to vertebrates. The Federal Council decides to which invertebrates it applies and to what extent. In doing so, it is guided by scientific knowledge on the sentience of invertebrate animals.
2 The following are reserved: the Hunting Act of 20 June 19863, the Federal Act of 1 July 19664 on the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage, the Federal Act of 21 June 19915 on Fishing, the Vocational and Professional Training and Education Act of 13 December 20026 and the Epizootic Diseases Act of 1 July 19667.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.