1 Cun agid da cunvegnas da prestaziun annualas mainan ils departaments:
2 La Controlla federala da finanzas è exceptada da la gestiun cun agid da cunvegnas da prestaziun. Il Cussegl federal po prevair ulteriuras excepziuns.
3 Sche gruppas ed uffizis mainan unitads administrativas cun in agen preventiv global, po il departament delegar a questas gruppas ed a quests uffizis la cumpetenza da concluder cunvegnas da prestaziun cun questas unitads administrativas.
4 En la cunvegna da prestaziun èn repartidas las incumbensas da las unitads administrativas tenor projects e tenor gruppas da prestaziun. Ellas ston vegnir munidas cun finamiras mesirablas.
5 Las unitads administrativas rapportan annualmain davart l’adempliment da las finamiras. Al cumenzament da la planisaziun da mintga legislatura examineschan ellas la structura e las finamiras da lur gruppas da prestaziun.
42 Integrà tras la cifra 2 da l’agiunta da la LF dals 26 da sett. 2014 (nov model da gestiun per l’administraziun federala), en vigur dapi il 1. da schan. 2016 (AS 2015 1583; BBl 2014 767).
1 The departments shall manage the following with annual service agreements:
2 The Swiss Federal Audit Office is exempted from management by service agreement. The Federal Council may provide for further exceptions.
3 Where groups and offices manage administrative units with their own global budgets, the department may delegate the power to them to conclude the service agreements with these administrative units.
4 In the service agreement, the tasks of the administrative units are set out according to projects and service groups. They must be given measurable goals.
5 The administrative units report annually on the achievement of their goals. At the start of each legislature plan, they shall review the structure and goals of their service groups.
42 Inserted by Annex No 2 of the FA of 26 Sept. 2014 (New Management Model for the Federal Administration), in force since 1 Jan. 2016 (AS 2015 1583; BBl 2014 767).
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