1 Per garantir l’execuziun da la spedida, da l’expulsiun tenor questa lescha u da l’expulsiun tenor l’artitgel 66a u 66abis CP181 u tenor l’artitgel 49a u 49abis LPM182 èn persunas estras obligadas da laschar far in test da COVID-19, sche quai vegn pretendì pervia da las premissas d’entrada dal stadi d’origin, dal stadi da derivanza u dal stadi da Dublin cumpetent u pervia da las prescripziuns da l’interpresa d’aviaziun.
2 Las autoritads cumpetentas infurmeschan ordavant la persuna pertutgada davart questa obligaziun e davart la pussaivladad da l’execuziun sfurzada tenor l’alinea 3.
3 Sch’ina persuna pertutgada na lascha betg far da sai anora in test da COVID-19, pon las autoritads ch’èn cumpetentas per l’execuziun da la spedida u da l’expulsiun suttametter questa persuna cunter sia voluntad ad in test, sche l’execuziun na po betg vegnir garantida tras auters meds pli miaivels. Durant ch’il test vegn fatg, na dastga vegnir exequì nagin sforz che pudess periclitar la sanadad da la persuna pertutgada. L’execuziun sfurzada da tests da COVID-19 è exclusa envers uffants ed envers giuvenils che n’han betg anc cumplenì 15 onns.
4 Ils tests da COVID-19 vegnan exequids da persunal medical ch’è scolà specificamain per quest intent. Il persunal medical applitgescha il tip da test il pli miaivel per la persuna pertutgada. Sch’el è da l’avis che l’execuziun dal test pudess periclitar la sanadad da la persuna pertutgada, na fa el betg il test.
180 Versiun tenor la cifra I da la LF dal 1. d’oct. 2021, en vigur dals 2 d’oct. 2021 fin ils 31 da dec. 2022 (AS 2021 587; BBl 2021 1901), prolungà dals 17 da dec. 2022 fin ils 30 da zer. 2024 tenor la cifra I da la LF dals 16 da dec. 2022 (test da COVID-19 tar l’expulsiun) (AS 2022 818; BBl 2022 1359).
1 In order to ensure the enforcement of removal or expulsion or expulsion from Switzerland under Article 66a or 66abis SCC181 or Article 49a or 49abis MCC182, foreign nationals are required to undergo a COVID-19 test if this is necessary in order to comply with the entry requirements of the person's native country or country of origin or of the competent Dublin State or the requirements of the airline concerned.
2 The competent authorities shall inform the person concerned in advance about this requirement and about the possibility of the compulsory conduct of tests under paragraph 3.
3 If the person concerned refuses to undergo a COVID-19 test, the competent authorities for the enforcement of removal or expulsion or expulsion from Switzerland may conduct the test against the person's will, unless deportation can be enforced by other less stringent means. While conducting the test, no force may be used that could endanger the health of the person concerned. The compulsory conduct of COVID-19 tests is not permitted in the case of children and young persons under the age of 15.
4 The COVID-19 tests shall be conducted by medical personnel who have been specifically trained for the purpose. They shall use the least invasive form of test suitable for the person concerned. If the personnel take the view that conducting the test could harm the health of the person concerned, they shall not conduct the test.
180 Amended by No I of the FA of 1 Oct. 2021, in force since 2 Oct. 2021 to 31 Dec. 2022 (AS 2021 587; BBl 2021 1901), extended from 17 Dec. 2022 to 30 June 2024 in accordance with No I of the FA of 16 Dec. 2022 (Covid-19 Test on Deportation) (AS 2022 818; BBl 2022 1359).
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.