1 Il chantun designescha l’autoritad, a la quala la dumonda da natiralisaziun sto vegnir inoltrada.
2 Sch’il chantun ed – en cas ch’il dretg chantunal prevesa quai – la vischnanca pon garantir la natiralisaziun, tramettan els la dumonda da natiralisaziun al Secretariat da stadi per migraziun (SEM), suenter che l’examinaziun chantunala è terminada.
3 Sche tut las premissas formalas e materialas èn ademplidas, conceda il SEM la permissiun federala da natiralisaziun e trametta quella a l’autoritad chantunala da natiralisaziun per laschar decider davart la natiralisaziun.
4 La permissiun federala da natiralisaziun po vegnir midada posteriuramain areguard l’inclusiun d’uffants.
1 The canton shall designate the authority to which the application for naturalisation must be submitted.
2 If the canton and, if cantonal law so provides, the commune agree in principle to naturalisation, they shall forward the application for naturalisation to the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) once the applicant has passed the cantonal examination.
3 Once all the formal and substantive requirements have been fulfilled, the SEM shall grant the federal naturalisation licence and send it to the cantonal naturalisation authority for the decision on naturalisation.
4 The federal naturalisation licence may be amended retrospectively in order to include the applicant’s children.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.