1 La glista d’observaziun cuntegna organisaziuns e gruppaziuns, tar las qualas i dat in motiv da supponer ch’ellas pericliteschian la segirezza interna u externa.
2 La supposiziun vala sco motivada, sch’ina organisaziun u gruppaziun figurescha sin ina glista da las Naziuns Unidas u da l’Uniun europeica; en quest cas po questa organisaziun u gruppaziun vegnir messa sin la glista d’observaziun.
3 In’organisaziun u gruppaziun vegn stritgada da la glista d’observaziun, sche:
4 En in’ordinaziun fixescha il Cussegl federal ils criteris che servan a stabilir la glista d’observaziun ed entaifer tge intervals che la glista vegn verifitgada.
1 The watch list contains details of organisations and groups that are reasonably assumed to pose a threat to internal or external security.
2 The assumption is deemed to be reasonable where an organisation or group appears on a list kept by the United Nations or the European Union; in this case, this organisation or group may be included on the watch list.
3 An organisation or group shall be removed from the watch list if:
4 The Federal Council shall set out in an ordinance the criteria by which the watch list is drawn up; it shall determine the periodicity for reviewing the list.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.