1 Il SIC po exequir sez las mesiras da procuraziun, collavurar cun uffizis naziunals u da l’exteriur u incumbensar quels cun l’execuziun da questas mesiras, sche l’auter uffizi porscha la garanzia d’exequir la procuraziun tenor las disposiziuns da questa lescha.
2 Excepziunalmain po el er collavurar cun persunas privatas u dar incaricas a persunas privatas, sche quai è necessari per motivs tecnics u pervia da l’access a l’object da procuraziun e sche la persuna respectiva porscha la garanzia d’exequir la procuraziun tenor las disposiziuns da questa lescha.
1 The FIS may carry out the information gathering measures itself, work with domestic or foreign agencies, or delegate information gathering to such agencies provided the other agencies guarantee that information gathering will be carried out in accordance with this Act.
2 By way of exception, it may also work with private individuals or issue private individuals with assignments if this is required for technical reasons or to gain access to the object of information gathering and the person concerned offers a guarantee that information gathering will be carried out in accordance with this Act.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.