121 Lescha federala dals 25 da settember 2015 davart il servetsch d'infurmaziun (LSI)
121 Federal Act of 25 September 2015 on the Intelligence Service (Intelligence Service Act, IntelSA)
Art. 26 Geners da mesiras da procuraziun suttamessas ad in’autorisaziun
1 Per las suandantas mesiras da procuraziun dovri in’autorisaziun:
- a.16
- survegliar il traffic da posta e da telecommunicaziun e pretender metadatas dal traffic da posta e da telecommunicaziun tenor la LSPT17;
- abis.18
- applitgar apparats tecnics spezials per survegliar il traffic da telecommunicaziun cun l’intent da registrar communicaziuns, d’identifitgar u da localisar ina persuna u ina chaussa, premess che las mesiras da surveglianza tenor la litera a sajan restadas senza success, fissan invanas u vegnissan engrevgiadas sproporziunadamain e premess che las permissiuns tenor il dretg da telecommunicaziun sajan avant maun per ils apparats tecnics spezials;
- b.
- applitgar instruments da localisaziun per constatar il lieu ed ils moviments da persunas u da chaussas;
- c.
- applitgar instruments da surveglianza per tadlar u per registrar il pled che na vegn betg pronunzià publicamain ubain per observar u per registrar andaments a lieus betg publics u a lieus che n’èn betg generalmain accessibels;
- d.
- infiltrar sistems da computer e raits da computer per:
- 1.
- sa procurar infurmaziuns ch’èn avant maun là u che vegnan transmessas da là,
- 2.
- disturbar, impedir u render pli plaun l’access ad infurmaziuns en cas ch’ils sistems da computer e las raits da computer vegnan duvrads per attatgar infrastructuras criticas;
- e.
- perquirir localitads, vehichels u recipients per sa procurar objects u infurmaziuns ch’èn avant maun là u infurmaziuns che vegnan transmessas da là.
2 Las mesiras vegnan fatgas en moda zuppada; la persuna pertutgada na vegn betg infurmada en chaussa.
Art. 26 Forms of information gathering measures requiring authorisation
1 The following information gathering measures require authorisation:
- a.16
- surveillance of post and telecommunications and requests for marginal data relating to post and telecommunications in accordance with the SPTA17;
- abis.18
- the use of special technical devices to monitor telecommunications, to record transmissions or to identify a person or object or to ascertain their location if monitoring in accordance with letter a has been unsuccessful, would be without prospect of success or would be unreasonably difficult and the licences under telecommunications law for the special technical devices have been obtained;
- b.
- the use of localisation devices to establish the location and the movements of persons or objects;
- c.
- the use of monitoring devices in order to listen to and record words spoken in non-public places or to observe and record events at non-public or not generally accessible locations;
- d.
- the intrusion into computer systems and computer networks in order to:
- 1.
- gather information available there or transmitted from there,
- 2.
- disrupt, prevent or slow down access to information where the computer systems and computer networks are being used for attacks on critical infrastructures;
- e.
- the search of premises, vehicles or storage facilities in order to procure objects or information there or information transmitted from there.
2 The measures shall be carried out covertly; the person concerned is not made aware thereof.
Il presente documento non è una pubblicazione ufficiale. Fa unicamente fede la pubblicazione della Cancelleria federale. Ordinanza sulle pubblicazioni ufficiali, OPubl.
This document is not an official publication. Only the publication of the Federal Chancellery is legally binding.